Data Science Certificate Courses

Participants pursuing the Data Science Certificate must complete two of the following four electives: 

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Unix shell language, covering file and directory navigation, command usage, script creation, and basic functions involving pipes, filters, and loops. Participants will get started with version control and GitHub, exploring the ethical implications regarding reproducibility. Topics include Git setup, repository management (recording, viewing, and undoing changes), branch creation, and collaborative workflows. Advanced commands, debugging, and history editing will be introduced. Participants will learn effective problem-solving techniques with Google and Stackflow, emphasizing reproducibility and documentation. The course emphasizes ethics and equity considerations in projects, fostering discussion-based learning with pre-class readings and live coding exercises. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Develop the ability to comfortably access the terminal and proficiently write scripts using basic commands, variables, pipes, filters, and loops. 
  • Understand how to utilize version control systems effectively for: preserving personal work; accessing and editing previous code versions; collaborating with peers; and identifying and debugging errors in code. 
  • Develop the skills to independently troubleshoot issues by identifying problems, conducting research, and formulating questions using components of reproducibility. 
  • Identify ethical considerations within the field, including scrutinizing the composition of datasets for biases and consider historical context of power abuses. 

Course delivery: 

Two weeks of instructor-led live webinars, each lasting 2.5 hours (totaling 20 hours) 

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