Hire Data Science & Machine Learning Software Foundations Certificates Talent

Unlock a pipeline of top-tier talent for your organization.

  • Get a shortlist of prospects
  • Join our upcoming virtual (June 19, 2024) or in-person (August 12, 2024)
    networking events
  • Share job postings
  • Contact partnerships.dsi@utoronto.ca

Elevate your workforce with top talent recently trained in data science and machine learning at the University of Toronto Data Sciences Institute. These mid-level professionals are equipped with advanced competencies achieved through an intensive 16-week certificate in either Data Science or Machine Learning Software Foundations. Coming from diverse industry backgrounds and possessing post-secondary degrees, these mid-career professionals bring a wealth of experience and expertise now augmented with highly sought-after skills in data science and machine learning.
Check out what participants learn here. 

DSI is committed upskilling women, racialized individuals and newcomers.

Collaborate with us

Organizations collaborate with us to connect with our Certificate professionals:



Connect with our Partnerships and Business Development Officer who will:

    • Review your hiring needs and gain insights into your preferred hiring process
    • Attend virtual and/or in-person Networking Events where you’ll meet our ready to hire talent
  • Attend DSI Events with to learn the latest insights in data science
  • Contact partnerships.dsi@utoronto.ca. to start a conversation
  • Learn more about our Data Science Certificate and Machine Learning Software Foundations Certificate here

Access talent at no cost

Certificates from the University of Toronto Data Sciences Institute are offered at an affordable rate thanks to the financial support of Upskill Canada, powered by Palette Skills and the Government of Canada.

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