We are in the midst of a data revolution. New technologies in every facet of academic and daily life are producing increasingly large-scale, complex data. These data have the potential to inform some of the most pressing societal questions, in completely new ways.
The University of Toronto is one of the world’s top-ranked research universities with unparalleled leadership and expertise in the foundations of data science in fields such as engineering, statistical science, mathematics, computer science and information science. We are leaders in applied fields, such as astronomy, physics, computational biology, urban planning and genomics, that have long drawn on big data and analytics, and social sciences and digital humanities are increasingly emerging as a result of the intersection of traditional disciplines with digital resources.
With increasingly larger and more complex data come challenge. Data science refers to the collecting, manipulating, storing, visualizing and extracting information from data, in reproducible, fair and ethical ways. Data science is a highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field for education and training.
The University of Toronto offers a wide range of data science academic and professional programming – from undergraduate, graduate, professional and continuing education. You can search our offerings below.